Friday 30 May 2014

Summer Wishlist: Pale Pinks, Denim & Mulberry

With my birthday coming up (9th June guys!) I am starting to think of items on my wishlist. There is no price limit on said list - just things I adore and are pretty to look at.

I decided to put together an outfit, perfect for wearing out for lunch on my birthday, if someone loved me enough to purchase all of the above - I'd be one happy lady!

Mulberry will forever be my go-to bag designer of choice, I had my first Mulberry bought for me on my 21st Birthday - a Mitzi Messenger in black that I use everyday. I know the Willow isn't the newest of designs but I still lust after this nude one every time I see it. I could do with a more summery shade, rather than using black constantly. You can purchase this Mulberry beauty here.

I am still all over the ripped jeans look for summer, and you simply can't go wrong paired with a beautiful white top/tee. My ASOS Brady ripped jeans now just feature gaping holes so I really need a new pair - right? The first pair can be found at and the second are Topshop!

Sliders: OMG how amazing are these beauties? I am a total magpie, anything with gems/sequins/glitter and I cannot resist so these MSGM pool sliders are no exception. £435 - from Browns.

The loafers are Office and at £65 - a much more affordable present! Plus this really cute top is Topshop and only £23, which I may just have to treat myself to come payday!

What items are you lusting after on this drab, dreary friday?!

Chloe x


  1. I love the sliders, I have my eye on that top too ;) xxx

  2. I thought you didn't want anything for your birthday this year? lol xx

    1. Well it is just a 'wishlist' after all!


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