Tuesday 27 May 2014

The Slender Blend by Protein World

With our wedding only 5 weeks away now (aaaaaahhh!) I thought it was about time I started thinking about being more conscious of what I am eating.
My dress fits fine but I could do with losing a few pounds! 

Protein World had been on my radar for a while now, a few celebrities had been tweeting about it, friends of mine were posting photos in Instagram, so I thought I would see what all the hype was about.

They offer a weightloss programme called The Slender Blend, which includes the protein powder to make shakes and smoothies, fat melter supplements and multivitamins too. You also get two booklets, one that tells you all about the product, the other with recipe ideas.

I found the aesthetic of the products to be much more appealing to us ladies, some of the protein powders you see look so manly it is off putting, or they use fancy words that most of us just wouldn't understand!

I've been using The Slender Blend for just over a week and have lost 4 pounds already. I've been having a shake or smoothie for breakfast, a protein based meal for lunch and then another shake or smoothie for my dinner. Along with drinking lots of water, I feel great.

I don't feel hungry and don't get any cravings, I opted for vanilla flavoured powder as this would go with most fruits & veggies to make smoothies. It's quite sweet too which is great for me as I usually have such a sweet tooth! 

I'll keep you posted on my progress, so far so great!

Are there any other weightloss programmes you've tried and would recommend? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Chloe x


  1. Keep up the good work, well done, you will feel so much better on the big day xx

  2. I've just ordered this! How has it been so far?? xxx

    1. Really good, very filling, can make loads of different smoothies with it etc! What flavour did you order? x

  3. Hey! I´ve just ordered the slender blend and was wondering how it´s faired so far :) Thanks x

    1. Hey! Well I didn't follow it religiously last week, but over 3 weeks I've lost half a stone, which I am happy with. Would definitely recommend!x


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