Wednesday 28 May 2014

Wedding: The Fear

Minster Abbey Church where we get married on 27th June!
Ok, so I keep having some seriously scary dreams about my wedding! 

It is less than a month away now and I'm hitting panic mode - what haven't we done? Have we made the right music choices? Picked the right readings for the church?
I've made lists in every notebook I own, then more lists for the lists - there are a lot of lists!

Last nights dream was about the abismal weather we've seen over the past few days - it was raining so hard that the venues cancelled our wedding and couldn't rebook us as they were full! Terrifying!
Previous dreams include me being late, the Boy also being late, hating how I look etc etc. It goes on and on. I have been told this is completely normal from past & future brides, yet I can't get rid of this knot in my tummy. What if people think I look silly? Don't like my dress? There a thousand and one thoughts swimming around my little head...

It is so easy to get swept away in what chairs you want at the reception venue, if the napkins are the correct shade of white, am I using the right foundation for the photos?
However, I am trying to remember that what this is really all about is: us committing to each other with all of our family & friends beside us, a day just about us and love and happiness.

Source: Pinterest

I love this quote - it is exactly all the things I think a marriage should mean.
Besides all the little worries I am having right now, I am honestly really excited too...

Chloe x

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