And just like that it was 2018.
I love that fresh feeling a new year brings. I'm not one for resolutions as I would never see them through and it would just shroud me in disappointment. But I feel that it is a great time to look ahead, think about what I would like to achieve.
The only goal I set myself last year (as for 5 months of it I was pregnant) was to lose a stone before going away to Vegas. Which I did.
This year though, it is time to look at the bigger picture.
All I've ever done is work in travel. I love the benefits it brings and I've had some amazing opportunities, but is this really what I want to do long term? Travel wasn't ever my chosen career when I was studying, I just fell in to it. So could this year see me try something new? Not that I have any idea what that could be!!
Throughout December I didn't really care about what went in to my body. But in September I am going to be a bridesmaid again for my sister Claudia, and there will be a hen weekend in Ibiza just before that so I really need to focus on Slimming World again. It may not be for everyone, but it works well for me. I am going back tonight after 4/5weeks of eating everything so we will soon see the damage I've done. (As I type this I am polishing off the last of the shortbread!)
I really want to put more effort into this blog. I absolutely love it and need to dedicate more time to it. This leads me to being more organised. I feel as though if I were to plan my time better, be more efficient, I could achieve so much more with my time. So dedicate specific time to blogging. Create a cleaning schedule and stick to it. Keep my diary and calendar up to date. Be less lazy. Wake up earlier.
I go back to work 1st February so I'll be spinning a fair few plates - home, nursery, work etc.
I also want to take better photos. I think I have started to, but there is still a lot to learn and this would include getting a DSLR, not just snapping on my iPhone.
We've achieved so much in our house recently, but there is still lots to do. I need to make this a priority, as a few years ago I just wasn't really interested in how my home was decorated (I'm not good at this kind of stuff!) So the jobs that need doing in the first few months of 2018 include decorating the lounge - paint, wallpaper, woodwork, possibly new flooring and a new radiator. The dining room also needs updating - new wall colour, new flooring and radiator. I'll post updates about these as they happen.
So even though this isn't a 'new year, new me' type thing (I'm still going to love food, drink alcohol, moan about stuff!) I'm taking the opportunity to think ahead.
What plans do you have for 2018?
Thanks for reading,
Chloe x