Thursday 19 May 2016

Drugstore Beauty Haul

Hi guys!

Today I wanted to post about some recent drugstore purchases. Like every girl I love trying out new products and there are some that I am really enjoying, others not so much.


I have used the original Palmer's cocoa formula before and rather enjoyed walking around smelling like a slab of chocolate. Their range is all reasonably priced and it does a great job of keeping my skin hydrated. This coconut oil formula seems harder to rub in and I'm not a lover of the scent I'll be honest. But I think I got the bottle for under £3 on offer in Superdrug and it'll do.
The Vaseline oil isn't something I've seen before, and I like an oil for summer - it gives skin a lovely dewy sheen that works wonders for dull, lifeless skin that hasn't seen sun for God knows how long! Again this was on offer, it slowly sinks in to the skin throughout the day and keeps my skin feeling hydrated all day. This is my favourite out of the two for sure. I also think it'll be great for my upcoming holiday over a tan, I am not an aftersun lover at all.


Micellar cleansing waters hit the scene big time a few years ago and I remember trying a L'Oreal one but not being overly sold. This Garnier bottle was (again!) reduced so I threw it in my basket immediately as I am getting a bit bored of my current Lancome one. I use it in my morning routine to wake up my skin, emptying a few drops on to a cotton pad and gently rubbing in circular movements over my face and neck, it lifts any excess nightcream and prepares my face for my toner. I really like this water, great for sensitive skin and also fab at this time of year as it is so light.
The Superdrug Vitamin E cleansing oil is just divine. I've used this product before and remember it being great value for money. Nothing has changed! I use this one in the evening after removing my makeup with my Lancome Bi-Facil remover. As it is a dual phase oil, you have to shake the bottle to mix the product. It has such a lovely scent, it helps to remove any remaining makeup from my face and neck, and it also brings moisture back into my skin. Love it.


Aveeno is a brand you may or may not have heard of before, if you haven't then you need to try their products! I have heard mothers raving about their moisturisers, using them on their little ones as babies are prone to dry skin. My hands were looking seriously dry and in need of some love so I picked this up for around a fiver. I really believe looking after the skin on your hands is important as that can give away your age! Not that I'm old, but prevention is better than cure. This is a lovely formula, with no overbearing scent. It isn't greasy either, which I absolutely hate in handcreams!

Beauty Sponge

This little orange sponge is a makeup game changer! I had seen lots of beauty vloggers using these little sponges to blend their foundations, concealers and contour creams, and their faces looked totally flawless. Ever find that your foundation brush leaves little brush lines on your face? Well then you need to get a sponge. This one was £6 and is by Real Techniques. I like to apply my foundation with my brush, then I'll apply my concealer under my eyes and blend that in using this sponge, then eventually dabbing over my entire face to get rid of any lines and get a more finished look. Best used when wet!

Superdrug Peel & Eye Cream

These two products I am not so keen on. I have used them a few times now but not really seeing any benefits. I find that the eye cream makes my eyes water so it is generally uncomfortable and the product seems to just sit on the skin and not really go anywhere.
The overnight peel doesn't seem to have made any difference to my face so I am left wondering why I bothered using it. I found it a teensy bit drying, which I imagine would happen with a peel? You have to be very careful to use a day cream the next day with SPF in it too. Both products were a great price, but I wouldn't buy them again.

What beauty buys have you made recently? Any that you love or hate? Let me know in the comments below!

Chloe x

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