Thursday 27 April 2017

New In: Beauty

I'm the crappiest blogger going, I know.

I've got a mini beauty haul of products I am loving currently and which seem to be working wonders for my pregnant body!

First are two products from Garnier's SkinActive range - the tissue mask which I like to use once a week for a complete hydration injection to my face! I don't feel like my face has suffered this pregnancy, it can look dull at times but nothing a good mask can't sort! These were reduced to 99p a mask in Superdrug recently, so I stocked up. The night cream here is (I think anyway) a total wonder product! It was about £6, it has a wonderfully light texture so it is perfect for using every night. I wake up in the morning and can really tell the difference, my skin feels plump and looks dewy, it's a great drugstore night cream.

My hair is driving me mad at the moment! Ever since I made the terrible decision to have a full scalp bleach 18 months ago, my hair has never been the same. It breaks when I brush it, my scalp itself is much drier than it used to be and it looks as dull as bloody dishwater frankly! In comes this wonder mask, I'd seen Victoria from Inthefrow recommend this in one of her YouTube videos and Look Fantastic were offering Redken products at 20% off so I got this for £17.49 at the time. I use this once a week and I must say my hair feels a lot softer, doesn't break as much as it used to and has a nice smell to it. I think I probably need to use this for longer to get my hair back to it's old form!

Bit of a theme here now with all of these masks! This Body Shop mask is fab, has a lovely light fragrance perfect for sleeping in and is not greasy at all. When I wake, I have a slight residue which once washed off, makes my skin look radiant and feel so soft! I only use this once or twice a week, in between my other creams and masks! I've enjoyed a few products from the Vitamin E range so far as they aren't heavy on my skin. This isn't too thick, the pot says to apply a generous amount all over your face, rub in gently then leave it to sink in overnight - heaven.

Finally, a cult product some may say, the This Works pillow spray. Excuse the travel size spray! This has been helping me drift off to sleep throughout the final weeks of my pregnancy. I'm getting to the stage now where sleep is an issue, just because of the extra weight and the aching hips (I'm really not moaning here though, I've had the best pregnancy and will be sad for it to end!) 
A few sprays of this on my pillow before settling down for the night really helps me relax. So many people recommend this product, if you're someone that struggles to drift off at night why not give it a try?

Chloe x


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