Thursday, 9 February 2017

Second Trimester Update

Hi. I've been pretty rubbish at posting, sorry about that. It's been a good few months. So I thought it would be good for me to give a little pregnancy update, share what's happened so far, how I'm feeling and then I'll try to post a bit more regularly!

Excuse the loo bomb! This was me at 21 weeks with a little bump just starting to show. I look a bit bigger now at 26 weeks, but that is partly due to me eating all the food and breathing out more!

I've been feeling so good this time around, it is weird how one pregnancy can be so different from another. I've had no sickness, no SPD, no general miserable-ness! Last time I didn't even want to talk about the fact I was expecting, which was such a shame because I had the most amazing prize waiting at the end of it. This time I've made it my mission to enjoy being pregnant. Maybe that mind over matter thing worked? Who knows.

Because I have been feeling so different, I could have sworn we would be having a boy come May. But no! It is another girl. And honestly I could not be happier! I know everyone says happy & healthy is all that matters, and I do agree. But having sisters is the best thing ever, mine are my best friends, we are so close. So to be able to give that to Matilda is just wonderful. As long as they actually get on mind you!

Here is our little pink bean a month ago at our 22 week scan.
Growing fabulously, looking all healthy and lovely. I find the scans so fascinating to watch, although it was an agonisingly long wait to find out what we were having, and baby wasn't playing ball, with me having to jump up and down a few times to get her to wriggle around so the Doctor could get the right measurements. Oh it was embarrassing!

We have a list of about 6 names so far, all of them are still old fashioned names that go with Matilda. trouble is, when we were expecting the first time, we always knew we would have the name Matilda, we'd spoken about it for years, before even getting married and trying for a baby. What do you do when you've used your favourite girls name and then find out you're having another girl? I won't give away the names that are on our list, in case we make changes.

In terms of being ready for baby's arrival, I've started to read a book on Mindful Hypnobirthing, I've not read much so I'll keep you posted on what I think. We also really need to start planning the second nursery, which means giving up my dressing room - oh the sadness! But its worth it. I loved making Matilda's room what it is so can't wait to do this again, just need to decide on a theme. Matilda's is clouds and stars in grey, white and pink, what can we go for this time? Suggestions welcome. We have a lot of things from Matilda's newborn days so we shouldn't need to purchase much. Although I am considering a Chicco Next to Me crib & a Sleepyhead, if anyone has used these and can talk me in to purchasing please do comment below.

Thanks for reading.

Chloe x

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